Saturday, August 30, 2008


SHOTTV- May look like just 5 letters to you. But to me it means so much more. SHOTTV encompasses sisterhood, compassion, caring, and some of the saddest and happiest moments for me in the past year. SHOTTV better known as the Sisterhood of the Travelling Vajayjays is a group of just over 40 women on from all over the US and beyond that met out of tragedy and have stuck together for over a year. Through our sadness have come happy moments and unfortunately a few sad times as well. We all suffered miscarriages in May, June or July of 2007. We met each other looking for support in trying to conceive again. We have cried together, laughed together and have rooted each other on through getting pregnant, pregnancies full of worry, recurrent losses for some, births, motherhood, and just everyday life. We have had 28 births of beautiful healthy babies. We have 12 pregnant sisters due anywhere between September and February and 4 of our sisters still on the frustrating and often unfair journey of trying to conceive. I was kind of adopted as the board momma in the beginning and have had the great pleasure of keeping track of everyone's progress along the way. This has helped me learn so much about each and every member of SHOTTV and learn to appreciate the scope of 40 women with different personalities getting along without any major issues. This in the world of women is unheard of. It just goes to show when you put your differences behind and truly care for people without judgement or prejudice how rewarding it can be for all parties involved. So I say to my SHOTTV sisters thank you. Each and every one of you has had an impact on my life and helped me get through a time of hopelessness, worry and confusion. When no one else understood you did. I am hoping for many more years of getting to know you all. And to my other readers (if I have Thank you for reading.

1 comment:

supahmommy- somethin's wrong with that girl said...

It's so nice to have support: when no one else can understand your grief.

The more I grow up: the more I find that I am not alone . In so many areas.

Hoo- rah for your group. In 2002.. I was not aware of the draw and intensity that the internet could provide. I'm so glad it's changed.
It's a lonely place and one that never quite leaves you.
