Friday, August 29, 2008

Welcome I hope I don't bore you to death!

So here I am looking for a way to express myself and feel like I talk to other adults since I am 98% of the time a stay at home mom. Call it a bitch-fest or a bragging page if you must. My grammar is not perfect and my mouth may tend to be that of a sailor sometimes. If this isn't your thing...don't let the door hit ya where that good lord split ya! Anyone still left reading?

My name is Laura and I have been VERY happily married to Josh for 5 years come November. My husband and I have been together for 7.5 years and we have one daughter who is 6.5 named Kaylee, a son Jase who will be 2 in November, one angel baby and our son Greyson who is 3 months old. We also have Pepper a black cat that wanders about as she pleases. I work part time as a waitress 1-2 days a week to have my adult time and Josh works in retail management. Our parenting style is pretty laid back. We like to have fun and play but also expect a certain level of respect and discipline from our kids. We also enjoy those days that seem to be too few and far between that we all get to stay in our pjs and snuggle all day.

That was a loose explanation of "me" and my family and I hope to share more as we go along. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

MommyBrain said...

Well it's about darn time you joined the blogging world! I am so excited to get this glimpse into your crazy life. I do have one complaint ... you failed to mention just how much you are loved and adored by your big sister and her nugget :)