Saturday, August 30, 2008

What makes me a Goddess you ask?

The definition of Goddess is...

1. A female being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by a people.

Okay so let's break this down. Female...Check. Supernatural powers...check. Believed in...check. Worshiped by a people...Check.

So obviously I am a woman and wife and mother to 3.

My supernatural powers include feeding a baby with one eye open while fighting off sleep, peeing while feeding a baby because my bladder is going to explode(pulling the undies up is the hard part), changing multiple poopy diapers daily that would make a grown man cry, finding time to shower once a day, remembering the words/dances to all of the Wiggles songs, keeping up with all of the new "cool" tween things such as Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers, calling all 3 kids by their correct names(most times), keeping a pretty darn clean house if I do say so myself, reading books while feeding a baby and bouncing a 37 pound child on my foot, and conquering laundry mountains the size of the Himalayas. Of course these are only a few of my motherly supernatural powers. Other supernatural powers may or may not include still trying to be sexy while having that lovely spit-up on smell. Sorry hubby!

I am believed in by my family and friends.

And finally the definition of "a people" is more than one person and I have 3 that worship me for simply being their mother.

This is why I think that not just myself but all mothers should be considered to be a Goddess and held in the highest regard! If you have any supernatural powers please comment. I would love to hear about them.


supahmommy- somethin's wrong with that girl said...

Welcome welcome little sis of DV!

My supernatural powers include doing anything and everything FASTER than my hubby and leaping laundry piles in single bounds. I cannot however; do the laundry.
Can you .. what?? Knock your super power ring onto my own super power ring.. and give me some that good stuff.

Come visit.

Chi-town momma said...

Welcome, Laura...feel like I know you!
My superpower, along with all mommies out there, is multitasking. Until becoming a mom, I never knew it was possible to do so many things at one time! Now I see that it is a necessity of motherhood.
But alas along with superpowers come superdowners - you lose you brain! If I don't write it down, it doesn't happen anymore!!!