Friday, September 26, 2008

It's been awhile...

So life seems to have consumed what little time I have to blog these days. Then I find myself thinking...what should I blog about? Do people really want to hear about my boring days? Well guess what you are gettin it anyway. So there.

I started a "diet" on August 25th and have been religiously using my exercise bike daily for 30-45 minutes usually cycling about 7-10 miles. I have been eating like a frigging bird. The wonderful world of healthy foods for a picky girl like me is no fun at all. I find myself eating the same things over and over and over again. I am so tired of food I wish I didn't need it. So anyway I have lost a total of 13 pounds. It was 14 but somehow I gained a pound last week. I didn't do anything differently which makes it worse. I feel like I should have gone and had a double cheeseburger. Damn you 1 pound. I mean how can you exercise everyday and eat like a bird and still gain a damn pound? I'm a little bitter if you couldn't tell. I am blaming it on Aunt Flo's soon to be visit and hoping like hell I lose this week.

Other than that...Greyson will be 4 months old in 2 days. He really is a good natured baby but sure does not like to sleep. Jase is growing and learning new things everyday. I am busy planning his upcoming 2nd B-day party. Kaylee Elaine is doing well in school. She comes home from school every night and we do her homework and then she is off to do her own thing.

Other than that I have just been busy doing normal Goddess things. Laundry, Poopy diapers, dishes, housework...ya know...the glamorous stuff. Until next time loyal reader(s)...

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